A private garden in Rhode Island
2025 guest reservations
The garden will be opened MAY 2—Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays until October. You’ll also see one special day open in July to benefit the Garden Conservancy.
Please note the following:
Tickets are nonrefundable once purchased.
Parking for each time slot is limited; if we are sold out please do not park on the road.
Reservations are required and can be modified up to 24 hours in advance.
Prices are as follows:
Parking: $25 (included driver)
Passengers: $20 (this will need to be booked after parking and driver is paid.. it’s just how the website program works)
Bike in or drop offs: $20 (reservations required)
29 March 2025
Gardening Symposium
Please join us for a day full of engaging speakers. Sakonnet Garden is excited to present in Rhode Island: “Plants! Plants! Plants!”
This years symposium brings together three brilliant gardeners: Troy Scott Smith, Edward Flint, and Drew Schuyler. One from the private sector and two from institutional gardening. They will share their plant picks, propagating tips and wining combinations. Join us for a pre-spring wander through the excitement of what’s to come.
3 May 2025
Sakonnet Plant Fair IV
The famed rural plant fair, Meeting House Lan, Little Compton, RI 02837